Founding Core Team members of UN-NYG
The United Nations – Nuclear Young Generation (UN-NYG) was founded in 2013. From the start, UN-NYG aimed to provide opportunities for the young generation of nuclear professionals at Vienna-based UN organizations and broaden their views on global, peaceful nuclear activities.
First, UN-NYG launched its mentoring programme for members based at the Vienna International Centre in 2013. Second, the group arranged for periodic topical lectures and visits. These visits have included tours of the AtomInstitut Research Reactor in Vienna, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) laboratories in Seibersdorf, the Mochovce Nuclear Power Plant in Slovakia; the Radiation Protection and Monitoring Laboratory of the IAEA, and the uncompleted Nuclear Power Plant Zwentendorf in Austria.
UN-NYG continues to arrange educational tours of local or regional facilities and maintains a steady programme of networking activities and presentations by experts in the nuclear field on a variety of topics.
Our Core Team today is made up of eight officers, elected by the UN-NYG community.