UN-NYG attends Core Committee Meeting in Bulgaria

From June 28 to 30, our UN-NYG President Owen LeGrone and Program Manager Gleb Lebedev attended the Core Committee Meeting (CCM) of the European Nuclear Society Young Generation Network in Sofia, Bulgaria. We extend our sincere gratitude to ENS and the host organization, BgNS YNG, for organizing this event.

The CCM provided an excellent moment for engaging with members from diverse nationalities and young nuclear organizations, such as Sfen Jeune Génération, Nuclear Institute, BNS-YG – Belgian Nuclear Society Young Generation, Jóvenes Nucleares, Associazione Italiana Nucleare, Srpsko nuklearno društvo / Serbian Nuclear Society, Mreža mlade generacije, the Croatian YGN and the Polish YGN. This meeting was a valuable opportunity to network, exchange knowledge, and build collaborative relationships within the nuclear community!