UN-NYG Participates in European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF) 2017

In June, I had the opportunity to represent UN-NYG at the 2017 European Nuclear Young Generation Forum (ENYGF) in Manchester, UK. ENYGF serves as the main gathering for young professionals in the European nuclear industry.

While there, I attended meetings with the European Nuclear Society-Young Generation Network, Nuclear4Climate, and the International Youth Nuclear Congress. At all the meetings, I discussed the recent restart of our organization and made connections with other young generation networks (YGNs). I also had the opportunity to present some of the technical work I’ve done while at the Agency and run the IAEA booth at the exhibition.

However, the visit wasn’t all work! Outside of the conference I had the chance to tour some of the nearby industrial facilities, as well as have dinner at Old Trafford, the football field for Manchester United.

All in all, it was a great opportunity to network and learn about the strong state of the nuclear industry in Europe and especially in the UK. If you get the opportunity, I strongly encourage you to attend a future ENYGF (they happen every two years) or the IYNC2018 (the global meeting of YGNs) next year in Bariloche, Argentina.

Also, in case you’re interested, I’ve attached some photos below, as well as the presentations I gave at the conference. Enjoy!

Wesley Deason
Vice President

IYNC Country Report – United Nations – 11June17_UK

UN-NYG_YGE_FR17_Presentation at ENYGF CCM2